Biolab Launches Biowellness Test Package


Biolab Launches Biowellness Test Package  As part of its continued efforts to expand its lineup of services, Biolab — the sole Biomnis dealer in the Kingdom — recently launched its "Biowellness” test package, representing yet another breakthough in Jordan’s healthcare and preventative medicine field.

The Biowellness test serves to provide cures for several diseases through early diagnoses and monitoring. It covers the metabolic functions, screening for anemia, diabetes, osteoporosis, gout disease, in addition to cardiac and thyroid levels and tumor markers.  Dr. Amid Abdelnoor, CEO of Biolab, explained that the new tests serve to reflect Biolab’s commitment to increasing the local healthcare service standards across the Kingdom.

Diagnosing such diseases is a must, especially in light of the challenges and high stress levels our modern fast-paced lives entail, as the occurrence of such diseases increases in likelihood.

He further added that such tests serve to increase people’s awareness when it comes to preventative medicine, an end that would positively benefit individuals and communities at large. Individuals will now be able to better manage their personal health, an end that is to bare its positive effect on community social development in the long run.

A pioneer in applying advances in medicine and science to laboratory testing, Biolab offers a broad range of medical diagnostic services to individuals, physicians, hospitals and other laboratories, in addition to offering a wide array of medical, scientific and consultancy services in the fields of health and diagnostics.

Leveraging on cutting-edge technology, high caliber staff and an extensive HMO and bank affiliate network, Biolab offers its patients an unparalleled premium experience, prioritizing reliability, accountability and convenience.  

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