
Short Name Name
CHT Cholesterol, Total, Serum View More
CHOLI Cholinesterase - Enzymatic activity , Serum View More
CHO Cholinesterase, Serum View More
CHRU Chromium, 24 hours Urine View More
CHRO Chromium, Blood View More
CgA Chromogranin A, Serum View More
CKAF Chromosomal Karyotyping, Amniotic Fluid View More
CKAFF Chromosomal Karyotyping, Amniotic Fluid, (Failed sample) View More
CKBM Chromosomal Karyotyping, Bone Marrow View More
CKPEL Chromosomal Karyotyping, Cell Pellet View More
CKCVSF Chromosomal Karyotyping, Chorionic Villus Sampling (Failed sample), CVS View More
CKCVS Chromosomal Karyotyping, Chorionic Villus Sampling , CVS View More
CKFRX Chromosomal Karyotyping, Fragile X Syndrome View More
CKPB Chromosomal Karyotyping, Peripheral Blood View More
CKPBF Chromosomal Karyotyping, Peripheral Blood (Failed sample) View More
CKPOCF Chromosomal Karyotyping, Products of Conception Failed Sample , Abortus View More
CKPOC Chromosomal Karyotyping, Products of Conception, Abortus View More
CMA Chromosomal Microarray Analysis, aCGH View More
CHYMS Chymotrypsin, Stool View More
CITA Citalopram, Serum View More
CITU Citrate (citric acid), Spot Urine View More
CIT24 Citrate 24 Hrs, Urine View More
CLONS Clonazepam, Serum Level View More
CLONU Clonazepam, Urine Level View More
CLOS Clostridium difficile Toxin A and B, Stool View More

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